We’ve Got Credits!
You can earn CEUs at our Annual Conference this year, and we’re also proud to announce that we’ll also be offering APA Credits for no extra cost to attendees! Including our Pre-Conference, we are approved for 13 APA credits.
Check out all the details below and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re happy to help.
Earn CEUs from VCU at LDACON!
CEUs are offered through Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and are simple to earn. Just follow the three steps below:

Disclaimer: A CEU is not equivalent to undergraduate or graduate credit and CEUs are only recorded to one decimal point (i.e., 22 contact hours is equivalent to 2.2 CEUs). Learn more about CEUs here.
The American Psychological Association provides CE credits for psychologists and other mental health professionals.
LDACON 62 Sessions approved for APA CE’s:
- Peter Isquith: The Evidence for Executive Function Assessment and Intervention (6 CE)
- George McCloskey: Remediating Reading and Writing Difficulties when ADHD is the Primary Concern (1CE)
- Janeen Steel & Monica McHale-Small: Using LDA’s SLD Evaluation Standards to Inform Best and Legal Practice (1CE)
- Miriam B. Ortiz & Dr. Michelle Storie: Myths and Facts in Implementing Science of Reading-Aligned Assessment and Intervention (1CE)
- Edward Schultz: The Core-Selective Process for SLD Identification and LDA’s Evaluation Standards Part 1 & 2, 2 CE total)
- Matthew Burns & Kathrin Maki: Research-Based Practices in Identifying SLD (1 CE)
- Scott Decker: Cognitive Assessment and SLD Identification: What the Research Actually Indicates (1CE)

Earn Act 48 Credits at LDACON!
Pennsylvania educators are able to earn up to 17 Act 48 credits at our 62nd Annual Conference in Orlando. LDACON is one of the most comprehensive conferences on learning disabilities and related disorders, and features over 130 experts that consist of psychologists, researchers, educators, individuals with LD, special education lawyers, and others.
If you’re interested in earning Act 48 credits at LDACON, let us know at the registration desk so we can provide you with information and materials. With any questions, reach out to us at info@ldaamerica.org. We hope to see you there!